6 Grades

Final grades for each semester will be calculated as follows:

  • 10% Midterm
  • 20% Final Exam
  • 20% Homework
  • 10% Participation
  • 10% Free-Response Questions
  • 10% R Lab Assignments
  • 10% First Monthly Exam
  • 10% Second Monthly Exam

6.1 Course Exams

Each semester, the math department will administer two monthly exams, a midterm, and a final exam. Once the exam dates are finalized, they will be listed in the Calendar section of the course website.

6.2 Homework

Homework assignment for Statistics will be listed in the Schedule section of the course website, respectively. Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due the following school day.

General Homework Guidelines:

  • Write your name, date, and period on the top-right corner of the first page. For subsequent pages, place just your name (without date/period) on the top-right corner.

  • On the first page, write down the assignment as the title. Example: Section 1.1 (pages 10-11, #1-36 odd)

  • For short questions, copy down the entire problem. For longer questions, outline the problem with enough information so that you can understand the question without referring back to the textbook. The point of copying down short problems and outlining longer problems is to allow you to reference your homework problems easily for review and exam preparation.

Homework will be collected on randomly selected days. You will receive full credit for all collected homework as long as you write your own homework solutions and make complete corrections with a pen when we go over solutions in class.

General Lab Guidelines:

  • Once the lab guidelines are finalized, I will go over them during the first lab session and update the syllabus to include this information in this section.

6.3 Participation

During class, you will have the opportunity to solve problems on the board. This is not only good practice for verbal communication of mathematics but also a great way to solidify your understanding of concepts. After each time at the board, you will sign your name on a sheet so I can tally your participation frequency. As long as you maintain regular participation, you will receive full points in this area.

6.4 Free Response Questions

In class, we will work on previous free response questions that relate to the concepts that we cover in each unit. To simulate the scoring process, I will ask students to exchange free response papers to grade as I go through the solutions and assignment of points. After you receive your scored free response paper, you should use a pen with a different color to correct your mistakes to receive full credit.