AP Statistics
Last Updated: 2020-02-15
Class Tencent Meeting Code:  732 234 300
Files AP Statistics Docs Code:  Sent via WeChat
Unless otherwise stated, all assignments are due by 5 p.m. on the following school day.

Day Date Topic Practice of Statistics
(5th edition)
Homework Free Response
M 2-Sep Course Intro      
T 3-Sep Shape (skew/modality)
1.2 p. 41 - 43 (#39, 47, 51)  
W 4-Sep Measures of Center (Mean, Median)

Measures of Spread (Range, IQR, SD)

1.3 pp. 78 - 81 (T1.1-11)  
Th 5-Sep Self-Study 1.2, 1.3 p. 81 (T1.12-15)
p. 74 (FRAPPY!)
pp. 41 - 48 (#43, 59, 65, 69, 71, 73)
F 6-Sep Review 1.3    
M 9-Sep Review
Calculator Session
1.2, 1.3 p. 77 (R1.6 - R1.10)  
T 10-Sep Categorical Data 1.1 p. 20 (#9-23 odd)  
W 11-Sep Categorical Data 1.1 p. 23 (#25-35 odd)  
Th 12-Sep   2.1 Due on 9/16:
All Ch. 1 homework
(9/3 to 9/11)
F 13-Sep No Class      
M 16-Sep Percentiles
Cumulative Relative Frequency Graphs
2.1 p. 99 (#1-9 odd,
19-23 odd)
T 17-Sep Z-scores 2.1 p. 102 (# 11-17 odd,
25-29 odd)
W 18-Sep Density Curves 2.2 p. 128 (#33-45 odd)  
Th 19-Sep Normal Distribution 2.2 p. 130 (#47-57 odd)  
F 20-Sep Normal Probability Plot 2.2 p. 131 (#59-75 odd)
p. 134 (FRAPPY!)

Due on 9/23:
All Ch. 2 homework
(9/16 to 9/20)
M 23-Sep Ch. 1 & 2 Review FR: 2000 (#3)  
T 24-Sep Sample Surveys
4.1 (p. 208 - 218)    
W 25-Sep Stratified Random Sampling 4.1 (p. 219 - 229)  WS 4.1 (#1 - 2A)  
Th 26-Sep Cluster Sampling 4.1 (p. 219 - 229)  WS 4.1 (#2B - 3)  
Mon. schedule F 27-Sep Observational Studies vs. Experiments

Chapters 1 & 2 Review
4.2 (p. 234 - 243) Outline 4.1 & 4.2  
Tues. schedule Sat 28-Sep Test 1      
Wed. schedule Sun 29-Sep Self-Study    
Fri. schedule M 30-Sep Self-Study    
T 1-Oct No Class      
W 2-Oct No Class      
Th 3-Oct No Class      
F 4-Oct No Class      
M 7-Oct No Class      
T 8-Oct Completely Randomized Designs

Inferences for Experiments
4.2 (p. 244 - 251) WS 4.2 (#1 - 3)  
W 9-Oct Blocking, Matched Pairs

Using Studies Wisely
4.2 (p. 251 - 257)

WS 4.2 (#4)
p. 275 (FRAPPY)
FR: 1997 (#2)
Th 10-Oct Chapter 4 Review   FR: 1998 (#3), 1999 (#3)  
F 11-Oct Chapter 4 Review  
FR: 2000 (#5), 2001 (#4)

Due on 10/14:
All Ch. 4 homework (9/25 - 10/9)

M 10-Feb Lab 10   Lab 10 (due 10/14 at 5 p.m.)  
T 11-Feb Review      
W 12-Feb Review      
Th 13-Feb Review      
F 14-Feb Review   Download Ch. 11 folder from AP Statistics Docs
M 17-Feb Chi-Square GOF Test 11.1 WS 11.1 (#1)  
T 18-Feb Chi-Square GOF Test 11.1 WS 11.1 (#2)  
W 19-Feb Chi-Square Test of Homogeneity 11.2 WS 11.2 (#1)  
Th 20-Feb Chi-Square Test of Independence 11.2 WS 11.2 (#2)
T: p. 734 (T11.1 - 11.5)
F 21-Feb Ch. 11 Review   T: p. 732 (R11.1, R11.3, R11.5)
T: p. 734 (T11.6 - 11.10)
Lab 11 (due 2/24 by 9 p.m.)
Work on Lab 11 (#1-3 & table in #6)
M 24-Feb Ch. 11 Review   Lab 11 (due 2/24 by 9 p.m.)  
T 25-Feb Ch. 11 Review   Lab 11 Peer Evaluation 2003 (#5)
W 26-Feb Scatterplot 3.1A WS 3.1A (#1ab)  
Th 27-Feb Correlation 3.1B WS 3.1A (#1c, 2-3)  
F 28-Feb Correlation 3.1B WS 3.1B
Lab 3A (due Sun., 3/1, 9 p.m.)
Lab 4 (due Sun., 3/1, 9 p.m.)
M 2-Mar Intro to Simple Linear Regression 3.2A WS 3.2 (#1)
Lab 3A & 4 Peer Evaluations
Crack AP:
Practice Test 1
T 3-Mar Residual Plot 3.2B T: p. 194 (#47, 49) Crack AP:
Practice Test 2
W 4-Mar r2 and s 3.2C WS 3.2 (#2) Crack AP:
Practice Test 3
Th 5-Mar Outliers 3.2D T: p. 197 (#43, #69) Crack AP:
Practice Test 4
F 6-Mar Derivations 3.2E Lab 3B (due Sun., 3/8, 9 p.m.)
T: p. 203 (#1-10)
Crack AP:
Practice Test 5
M 9-Mar Confidence Interval of Slope 12.1 T: p. 759 (#3, 5, 7)
B: p. 118 (#1-10)
Lab 3B Peer Evaluation
T 10-Mar t test for Slope 12.1 T: p. 762 (#15)
B: p. 122 (#11-22)
W 11-Mar Review   B: p. 386 (#1-14)  
Th 12-Mar Review   Crack AP: Prob. As Relative Freq. 1  
F 13-Mar Review   Crack AP: Proportion & Means 1
Crack AP: Confidence Intervals 1
Crack AP: Practice Tests 6-9
F 20-Mar     Mock Exam 1 Corrections  
M 23-Mar Log-Level Regressions 12.2 T: p. 789 (#41)  
T 24-Mar Log-Log Regressions 12.2 T: p. 786 (#33, 35)
T: p. 797 (R12.6)
W 25-Mar Ch. 12 Review   T: p. 799 (T12.12)
T: p. 809 (AP4.45)
Th 26-Mar FR: Regressions   1998 (#4)
2007B (#4)
F 27-Mar FR: 2011   2011 (#1-3)  
M 30-Mar FR: 2011   2011 (#4-5, skip 5d)  
T 31-Mar FR: 2011   2011 (#6)  
W 1-Apr FR: 2011B   2011B (#1-2)  
Th 2-Apr FR: 2011B   2011B (#3, 5)  
F 3-Apr FR: 2012   2012 (#1-4)
Ch. 4 Review 1
T 7-Apr FR: 2012   2012 (#5-6)  
W 8-Apr FR: 2013   2013 (#1-2)  
Th 9-Apr FR: 2013   2013 (#3, 5)  
F 10-Apr FR: 2013, 2014   2013 (#6)
2014 (#2-3)
Ch. 4 Review 2
M 13-Apr Mock Exam 2      
T 14-Apr FR: 2014, 2015   2014 (#4-5)  
W 15-Apr FR: 2015   2014 (#6), 2015 (#1)  
Th 16-Apr FR: 2015   2015 (#2-3)  
F 17-Apr FR: 2015-2016   2015 (#4-6)
2016 (#1)
Ch. 9 Formula Sheet
M 20-Apr FR: 2016   2016 (#3, 4)  
T 21-Apr FR: 2016   2016 (#5, 6)  
W 22-Apr FR: 2017   2017 (#3, 6)  
Th 23-Apr FR: 2018   2018 (#3, 6)  
F 24-Apr     T: p. 792 (#51)
2018 (#4, 5)
Ch. 10 Formula Sheet
M 27-Apr Experimental Design   2009B (#4), 2008B (#4)  
T 28-Apr Experimental Design   2005B (#3)  
W 29-Apr Survey Design      
Th 30-Apr Probability      
F 1-May Random Variables   B: p. 436 (Ex 15.12, 13, 14)