Fall Semester Midterm Format

The midterm has two parts:

1) Part A: 30 multiple-choice questions (60 minutes)

  • Please use a pencil to bubble in answers on your scantron.

2) Part B: 2 free-response questions (30 minutes)

  • Please use a pen or pencil to fill out answers on your free-response sheet.

The midterm will cover Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 in the textbook. The following are the recommended practice problems to prepare for the midterm.

Chapter Textbook Questions Barron’s Questions
1 p. 78 (T1.1 - 15) p. 77 (#1 - 34)
p. 144 (# 1 - 12)
2 p. 137 (T2.1 - 2.13) p. 251 (#1 - 17)
4 p. 279 (T4.1 - 4.14) p. 159 (#1 - 15)
p. 177 (# 1 - 19)
5 p. 342 (T5.1 - 5.14) p. 205 (#1 - 46)
6 p. 418 (T6.1-6.14) p. 234 (#1 - 6)

The midterm will include but may not necessarily be limited to the following topics delineated by chapter.

  • Chapter 1 topics:

    • 5-number summary
    • boxplots
    • ordering of mean, median, and mode in skewed distributions

  • Chapter 2 topics:

    • z-scores
    • percentiles
    • probability calculations using normal CDF

  • Chapter 4 topics:

    • random sampling methods (SRS, stratified, cluster, systematic)
    • other sampling methods (convenience, voluntary)
    • undercoverage
    • experimental design
      • completely randomized design
      • randomized block design
    • random sampling vs. random assignment
    • causality vs. generalizability

  • Chapter 5 topics:

    • Law of Large Numbers
    • probability
      • General Addition Rule: $P(A\cup B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A\cap B)$
      • General Multiplication Rule: $P(A\cap B) = P(A)*P(B|A)$
      • Mutually exclusive vs. independent events
      • Conditional probability
        • $P(A|B) = \frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)} = \frac{P(A)P(B|A)}{P(B)}$
    • perfect independence in two-way tables

  • Chapter 6 topics:

    • random variables
    • transformation of random variables
    • binomial distribution
    • geometric distribution